Hello, Gorgeous!
As we ease into the final moments of a year some of us would prefer to forget, it’s important to remember what’s still worth holding onto. But first, let’s talk about letting go.
Let it go
I heart makeup
Makeup is a fun and easy fix to pretty much anything. Buy a new lipgloss and for a moment everything else seems to fade away.
Do I honestly think that a new beauty or skincare product can change everything in your life? Of course not. But I’m a firm believer that adding a small lift to your day can lessen stress. And having a group of friends *waves to all of you* to obsess about discuss your latest purchase with makes it a fun and social experience.
I don’t heart makeup clutter
Much as I love my makeup, like all good things in life, sometimes you have to declutter so you’re not holding onto products that no longer serve you.
If you have some time over the next few days of the winter break, try throwing out some makeup you no longer use.
If the color doesn’t suit you, the mascara smells off, or the moisturizer has gone funky, throw it out (of course you should repurpose, reuse or recycle any packaging when possible). Stop holding on to things that don’t fit your lifestyle anymore. And of course there’s a larger message there about losing those frenemies or ancient tech, but we can discuss that next year.
Choose meaning
I’m not one for resolutions, but here’s one I’m considering. Choosing one meaningful piece over lots of tchotchkes, even if that means saving up for the right one.
Julie Dusold Culbertson (who I met virtually when she subscribed to this newsletter) is a jewelry designer with a health policy background (she’s also a pilates instructor and educator!) who believes strongly in the transformative power of style.
To that end, when Julie couldn’t find the right jewelry —meaningful, attractive, durable, consciously-crafted, and high-quality enough for her sensitive skin— she started designing and crafting her own.
While Julie initially created her jewelry to celebrate her own motherhood, the line morphed into a larger reminder of what women are. “The wise, strong, incredibly powerful spirit within that sometimes gets eclipsed by the never ending to-do list and chronic sleep-deprivation.” And that's how her mantra of “sparkle as self-care was born” along with her jewelry company Allusio (from a Latin word for play).
Julie told Hello Gorgeous! that she loathes “well-intentioned but toxic messaging where women are blamed for not having it all together, when so many structural issues (housing, employment, caregiving, big food, education, gender violence, etc.) are driving our stress.” Her jewelry isn’t just beautiful, it’s also meaningful.
Pricing varies so you can save up for a big piece, or splurge on a daily reminder of how amazing you are.
Some of my faves from the Allusio collection are:
Play diamond coin pendant reminds you to play with your jewelry and your personal narrative ($5,590).
14k pearl initial charms. You can choose your own, or even an xo if you need some hugs and kisses throughout your day ($490).
Spark custom enamel and gemstone pendant in solid 18k. You can choose the enamel color or gemstones to match your mood or current color obsession ($2,245).
All available to ogle and covet on allusiojewelry.com.
A thought on aspirational jewelry
Do I think that all of you are going to rush out to splurge on pricey jewelry? Not particularly. But sometimes daydreaming is an important task. And reading about a kickass woman who created a business to inspire both herself and others, is enough to remind us to let go to what doesn’t work and reach for something better.
And with that, my beauties, I wish you health, happiness, love, and that perfect shade of blush that makes you look lit from within.
See you next year!
Rachel, Your beauty concierge 💋
Thanks so much for the shout-out 💕🙌🏼