I think you're right about Estee Lauder not having a vision behind their collection of brands. It's more of a hodgepodge. I used to love Clinque and EL, but haven't used them in years. There's definitely an oversaturation across beauty brands and not enough differentiation. Maybe it's time for a rethink.
It's definitely gotten crowded and confusing over the past few years with so so many companies that don't feel like branded entities as much as an idea with immediateexecution. I did some futuristic type projections for Coty some years ago and we discussed their multi-brand plan. It was very rigid though.
Idea with immediate execution -- yes, this. There's not much thought about what comes next once the initial product(s) is launched. How do you sustain a brand? What does it represent, now and what might it mean in the future as it grows?
I feel like there's a definite business story here for you if you're up for it and interested! There's as much pressure in the beauty industry to be beautiful as there is to keep pushing new and newer products and brands.
I've been a longtime fan of Estee Lauder and more recently, Clinique. They are pricey so I buy when I find "deals"--mostly gift with purchase things. I don't pay attention to all the branding issues but I do love how the products make my skin feel.
I really love and appreciate everyone's insights. I've gotten cranky about some of the older legacy brands just phoning it in, but you're right. Some of the products are and remain exceptional. And yes to GWP!
I think you're right about Estee Lauder not having a vision behind their collection of brands. It's more of a hodgepodge. I used to love Clinque and EL, but haven't used them in years. There's definitely an oversaturation across beauty brands and not enough differentiation. Maybe it's time for a rethink.
It's definitely gotten crowded and confusing over the past few years with so so many companies that don't feel like branded entities as much as an idea with immediateexecution. I did some futuristic type projections for Coty some years ago and we discussed their multi-brand plan. It was very rigid though.
Idea with immediate execution -- yes, this. There's not much thought about what comes next once the initial product(s) is launched. How do you sustain a brand? What does it represent, now and what might it mean in the future as it grows?
I feel like there's a definite business story here for you if you're up for it and interested! There's as much pressure in the beauty industry to be beautiful as there is to keep pushing new and newer products and brands.
I'd like to, but where to pitch the story!
I've been a longtime fan of Estee Lauder and more recently, Clinique. They are pricey so I buy when I find "deals"--mostly gift with purchase things. I don't pay attention to all the branding issues but I do love how the products make my skin feel.
I really love and appreciate everyone's insights. I've gotten cranky about some of the older legacy brands just phoning it in, but you're right. Some of the products are and remain exceptional. And yes to GWP!