Hello, Gorgeous!
I recently decided that I needed wanted a new pair of sneakers to wear when working from home. The idea was to avoid slippers and feel slightly more together during work hours. I was researching the easiest options when I learned about Ryka’s new Podflow line.
While I’m no Imelda Marcos, I do have a fair amount of shoes, with the vast majority of them being both cute and comfy. Also sneakers. And cute and comfy sneakers. Ryka’s new Podflow walking shoe collection ticks all these boxes.
Ryka Podflow Walking Shoe
Shall we start by discussing how much there is to love about Ryka shoes?
Ryka is a brand committed to creating shoes for women. Every pair is designed and made for a woman’s foot instead of simply shrinking men’s sneakers for women. Stability and support are key, along with incredible comfort with the majority designed for walkers.
The new Podflow collection uses innovative tech in the form of strategically placed pods underfoot, so your sneakers seem to roll with every step. They remind me of the Famolare wave shoes that were popular in the ‘70s (and are still available in all their clunky, rolly, goodness! I don’t know about you, but I’d wear these in a heartbeat). And indeed, with every step, there was this bounce and roll feeling. Shock absorption? Oh, yes. And the bounce feeling gave me a bit of a boost to keep walking.
A few things to keep in mind.
I tested these out on concrete sidewalks and also on easier to walk on paved roads.
The bounce was less aggressive and much more comfortable on the paved road, since it was a bit more subtle.
They’re not terribly flattering. I can’t pinpoint what it is about the mesh design that made them look a bit klutzy. It doesn’t bother me at all, but if you’re looking for a sleek walking shoe, this isn’t it.
I think I’m going to stick to the original plan and keep these for indoors. They’re incredibly comfortable and have the best arch support of many walking shoes I’ve tested, but I really want shoes I can wear all day and easily slip on and off.
What’s the Difference between Ryka Podflow and Podflow EZ Walking Shoes?
It’s pretty simple. The original Podflow sneakers have white soles and shoelaces. The Podflow EZ are slip on with bungee laces and soles that match the colors of your sneakers ($89.99 on Ryka.com).
Do you have a fave brand/style of sneakers? And do you call them sneakers or kicks? Let’s discuss in the comment section!
Rachel, Your beauty (and sneaker) concierge 💋
Need a dance break? Go for it!
I have a pair of black suede Ryka’s that are super comfortable so thumbs up to the brand, but let’s be honest: I’m totally distracted by nostalgia for Famolare. I remember wishing desperately for a pair I saw in Seventeen when I was not yet even a tween, and now it looks like I can finally get some! Yay!